Monday, February 20, 2012

Numbers 3-10

Numbers 3-4

The theme is that God gives us our load to carry, and He gives us the tasks that we are to complete..God gives each of us specific tasks that we are to complete. We are to be just as diligent, as those who were working near the tabernacle. We are serving the most high God, and God will give us our tasks. God is the One we are working for, not man!

Levites are to work under Aaron and his sons to serve and care for the tabernacle! They were to be counted by their clans and families. Each clan had their own individual responsibility, in caring for the tabernacle. None other than Aaron's family and the Levites were allowed near the tabernacle. The Levites were seen as God's. The first born of the Israelites were redeemed with 5 shekels each.

The Kohathite clans are given the job of carrying the most holy things in the tabernacle. Aaron and his sons are to carefully wrap the holy things using blue delicate cloth. The people of Kohathite are to carry the things, but not directly touch them or look at them for if they do--they will die.

The Gershonite clans are given the instruction of carrying the curtains and other equipment used in the tent of meeting. The Merarites clans are given the instruction of carrying frames and bases from the Tabernacle.

Each clan used all the men from the ages of thirty to fifty to serve in the Lord's tabernacle! They were each given specific instructions on what their task was. 

Numbers 5-6

God seeks purity. God is holy. We too need to be holy. There needed to be purity in the camp, so those who were unclean were sent outside the camp to reside. The people needed to confess their sins and have atonement made for their sins. Temporarily, animals were able to atone for the people's sin. We have the ultimate sacrifce for our sins, Jesus Christ. One sin sacrifice to last eternity!

There is a test that must be done for an unfaithful wife. The husband is to bring his wife and a grain offering before the priest. The priest will have the wife stand before the Lord, and if she has been unfaithful---she will have brought a curse on herself when she drinks bitter water if she has indeed sinned by being unfaithful to her husband. Her abdomen will swell, and she will miscarry. If she has been faithful to her husband, she will be able to bear children.

In chapter 6, there is the dedication to the Lord by the  Nazirite. The long hair cut by the priest is the sign of their dedication to the Lord. They are to bring certain offerings to the Lord, and it is a process. It is the process of setting themselves apart where they are not allowing themselves to be defiled by things. They are consecrating themselves to the Lord. 

Choosing to dedicate ourselves to the Lord is a serious time of setting ourselves apart for God and His work. It is choosing to be set apart for His purpose and to serve and follow only Him. 

Numbers 7

Moses consecrated the tabernacle, and each tribe came to bring offerings before the Lord. Grain, burnt, sin, and fellowship offerings were offered. Each day, each tribe took turns to bring their offerings before the Lord.  It was their dedication. The Lord spoke to Moses in this place.

This shows me the importance of realizing the chance we have to give offerings before the Lord. God no longer requires us to give sin offerings, for only Christ can give a lasting sacrifice for our sin. What I can give God is my heart! God wants my motives and confessions of my sins. God wants me, and my time! I can give the chance to fellowship with others and pray for those around me facing trials!

Numbers 8-10

The Levites are given wholly to the Lord! The Levites are to be set apart, and ceremonially clean. The Israelites are to put their hands on them, and present them before the Lord. What I found interesting is the men from 25-50 are to do the work of the tabernacle, but once they are 50 years old--they must retire.. We need to be wholly given to the Lord. We need to wholly surrender ourselves to the Lord. The old way was to have a set age to serve in the tabernacle. But with Christ, there is no age group. Anyone and everyone is invited to participated in the Kingdom of God. Jesus even calls the children to come and we are to come little little children if we want to inherit the Kingdom of God.

The Israelites questioned what to do if they were unclean during the Passover. The Lord told Moses that they are still to participate in the Passover. However if someone is clean and does not participate, then they are cut off from the Israelite community. The Israelites obeyed the Lord's command. If the cloud encompassed the tabernacle, they stayed encamped. If the cloud lifted, they set out. They followed the Lord's command, which is so important to remember to do. We have to stay on track. It is so easy to get distracted by the world, but we have to continue to follow the Lord. We must continue to be diligent in dedicating ourselves to Him!

God instructs Moses to gather the community using trumpets. The Israelites leave Sinai at the Lord's command! Each tribe followed through with their responsibilities concerning the tabernacle, for it was required to be set up by the time of everyone's arrival. The ark of the covenant would find them a place of rest. The cloud of the Lord would follow them by day. This passage shows me the purpose in the preceding chapters. God gave them responsiblities for reasons. God had Moses count them for reasons. God was leading his people, and going to give them the land he promised if they obeyed his commands and followed his leading.


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