Sunday, February 5, 2012

Genesis 38-40

Genesis 38

Judah left his brothers, moved, married a Canaanite woman, and had children. His first son did evil and died. His second son died---leaving his wife. The third son defiled his deceased brother's wife, and died. She ended up being pregnant. Tamar was sent away with the promise of Judah's youngest son once he is old enough. Tamar got word about Judah traveling because his wife died. So she showed up on the side of the road dressed like a prostitute, and ended up sleeping with Judah (Father in Law). Truth found out about her prostituting. Judah says for her to be burned alive, but once he finds out that he slept with her. He calls the whole thing off. She gives birth to twins, and they never have relations ever again.

Genesis 39

Joseph was sold to the Egyptians in the palace belonging to the officers. Potiphar made Joseph his servant. God made Joseph suceed in everything he did, and his owner saw this. Potiphar put Joseph in charge of everything he owned (even the wife), and God blessed the Egyptian household. Potiphar did not concern himself with anything but food. Joseph was well-built, and probably hot looking. Potiphar's wife kept desiring Joseph and wanted him to go to bed with her. She tried to tempt him on numerous occasions I am sure.. Finally unfortunately, she tries to seduce him leaving him running outside with his robe in her hands. She told everyone that he tried to rape her. His master has Joseph arrested. The Lord blessed Joseph---helping him to win the jailer's favor. He put Joseph in charge of the whole jail. The jailer gave his responsibilities to Joseph. The Lord blessed him successfully in all he did.

Genesis 40

The wine steward and chief baker offended the king, and went to prison where Joseph was the servant. Both had a dream, and were obviously very upset about the dream and not knowing what it meant for them in the long run. Joseph saw that they were upset, and interpreted their dreams for them. The win steward's dream meant that they were to be released and pardoned in three days by the King, and Joseph pleased to be mentioned to the king for release since he did no wrong. The chef baker's dream was interpreted and meant that the king would release him and behead him in three days and the birds will eat his flesh. Three days later, the king will restore the wine steward's position and execute the chief baker. It happened just as Joseph had said, but the wine steward never mentioned Joseph or thought about him anymore.

After Joseph's help, the people had wronged him. The owner's wife, the wine steward. Even when people clearly wronged him, he still gave his best to others. This is seen as he interactions with his brothers who had sold him to Egypt. When others wrong or hurt me, I can still choose to give my best to others.

Genesis 38 to 40 show two different pictures of how we can live out our lives based on circumstances. Tamar reacts to what happened to her, and acts like a prostitute---sleeping with Judah without him knowing who she is. Joseph is trusting God to make a way in spite of his circumstances. I want to cherish where God has me now. It is about making the most of my situations and living by faith. It is about cherishing where I am right now. It is not waiting for fibromyalgia to vanish, waiting for a man or friends to pop up, or waiting for a job to pop up, but it is about accepting and cherishing where God has me in this moment. What is God doing in my life that will make an impact? How can I be a light to the darkness in SPITE of where I am right now? It is about making the most of things.


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