Numbers 21
In this section, the Israelities take over one city. They were able to, only because God gave them the victory. They begin to complain and are killed by snakes. Moses pleads to God on their behalf, and many are saved as they look up to a snake on a pole. They then take over many other lands and inhabit them.
The snake resembled the cross to me. The snake on a pole. Jesus talks about this very scene in John 3:14-15. Jesus must be lifted up, so that many may believe and have temporary life. The bronze snake only provided temporary life and healing from their afflictions but Jesus brings much greater freedom and healing.
Numbers 22
Balaam is instructed by Moab officials to curse the Israelites, but God still holds that they are blessed and will not be cursed--even after all they did. Why? because it is not about what they do or what we do...No. It is about what God does! It is about who God is...
Balaam disobeyed God, and went. It infuriated God. Balaam's donkey turned away. God used the donkey to grab Balaam's attention for his disobedience.
An important verse for this chapter is verse 38 where it says: “Well, I have come to you now,” Balaam replied. “But I can’t say whatever I please. I must speak only what God puts in my mouth.” We should only speak God's words. We should be careful to please only the Lord. We need to focus only on Him.
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