Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Deut 8-11

God tested the Israelites and humbled them, as he taught them to rely on Him. God disciplined Israel for their own good. Moses is reminding them to obey God, for look what God is giving them. It is important to not forget God in their plenty. They must learn not to forget God, just as we must. We need to be diligent seeking God's face, and obeying Him. God tests and humbles us to rely on Him. We can do nothing without Him. Not obeying God will bring consequences--definite, hurtful consequences. (Deut 8)

The Israelites have victory by God's grace. It is not because of the Israel's integrity that they occupied the land, but because of God's promises. Moses reminds the Israelites of the golden calf. Moses pleaded for the Israelites and Aaron on their behalf. There were many times that the Israelites furied God that he wanted to destroy them. Israel is God's special possession. He was with them through the good and very bad moments. God gave the people a new copy of the covenant placed in the ark. The Levites were used to minister to the people, which is why they have been separated from the community of the Israelites. God wants the people to fear Him and live in a way that pleases Him. God wants the peoples' hearts and not to be stubborn. God is the God of gods. God can't be bribed. God gives justice to all. We need to give Him all of us, not parts of us. God wants our whole hearts. (Deut 9-10)

Moses is speaking to the adults who know God's mighty hand and SEEN it! There are blessings of obedience that we are blessed with. We are blessed with long life, and plentiful land. The Israelites' sins will stop the plentiful of the land--stopping their produce. We choose between a blessing and a curse when we choose to obey or disobey God. When we obey God, others cannot stand against us. We must be careful to obey God and his commands! (Deut 11)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Deut. 1-7

Moses is not able to enter the land, because of Israel's disobedience, but he is preparing the people. He is speaking to the people--REMINDING them about being obedient to God. Reminding the Israelites of the commands, laws, and decrees that they must obey!

Deuteronomy 1-7

It took the Israelites 40 years to leave Egypt! They were going to Canaan, which was given to the Israelites. Moses appoints leaders for each tribe. The men were wise and respected. They were acting as judges. Moses oversaw the leaders, and took the more difficult cases. Scouts went to look through the land, but they rebelled against God and refused to go in. They complained! In verses 30-31: God goes before us, and cares for us as we are his child. Their rebellion caused them and even Moses could not go into the promised land. Joshua is given the land, and to lead the people. The Israelites wouldn't listen. The Ammorites won, because Israelites went without the Lord's blessing..(Deut 1)

The Lord was with them as they went through the wilderness. The Israelites lacked nothing. Once the Israelites reached  Heshbon , the king refused to let them to go through. The Lord made the King stubborn, so they may have victory over  Heshbon. No-one survived. The livestock was taken as plunder for the Israelites. They went where God commanded them to go, and stayed away where God told them not to go. (Deut 2)

God gave the Israelites victory over King Og's 60 cities. Moses divided up the cities among the tribes. Moses is not allowed to enter the land. But Moses is allowed to go up to the Pisgah Peak to look and see. He just cannot cross the land of Jordan.  (Deut 3)

Moses urges the Israelites to OBEY the Lord! Those who are faithful to the Lord will live. Obey them completely! Verse 7--the nation represent their walk with God. God is a personal God! God comes near to us, just as he comes near to the Israelites! They are warned against worshiping idols. They are not to worship any animal or idols, but remember God is a jealous God. Moses will not be able to enter the land. He is pleading with the people of Israel! When we search for God with all we have, we will find Him. When we are suffering, we will return to Him--hearing Him (verses 29-30). The nation experienced God like no other nation has. God has been working on their behalf. They are God's special possession! God gave them these commands and instructions to enjoy a long life in their special land!  (Deut 4)

Moses was the intermediary between the people of Israel and God. God used him to speak the Ten Commandments. Fearing God has a lot to do with how the Israelites would literally tremble at the voice of God. Stay on the path God has you on, and he will prosper you and enable you to live long full lives (verse 33). (Deut 5)

Moses is calling the Israelites to be fully committed to God, teaching his commands to their children, careful to obey them, calling them not to forget that the Lord is bringing them to this land, not testing the Lord as they once did, but instead diligently obeying the Lord. (Deut 6)

The Israelites are to destroy these 7 nations, not make deals or intermarry with them. Destroying everything of these nations. There was nothing about the Israelites that made God choose them, but he just loved them. They weren't the biggest nation, but the smallest. God will love them and bless them, as they choose to obey Him! God will bless them, as they are blessed as God's chosen possessions. God will protect Israel! He is great and awesome working for Israel! No one can stand against those who obey God (verse 24) You must seperate yourself from the other nations, for you are set apart as God's chosen possession! (Deut 7)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Numbers 31-36

Numbers 31-The Israelites are sent out to fight and destroy the  Midianites for they are the reason that the plague came to Israel. Moses and the Israelites killed all the men, then were sent to go back to kill the women when they did not do it the first time. The property were distributed among the Lord and the fighting men. The men gave a portion of their property given to the Lord. This is the last act of Moses commanding before he dies.

Numbers 32- The tribe of Reuben and Gad went to Moses seeking more land for their families and livestock. Moses reminded them of their forefathers who had a request and made their other brothers stumble. The leaders of Reuben and Gad made an agreement with Moses to continue fighting until all is conquered then they will be given their land. If they do not keep their word, they will have to settle with the rest of the tribes in Canaan. They build fortified cities. A man named Nobah captured the land of Kenath, naming it after himself.

Numbers 33- Remembering Israel's journey. Their physical journey is alot like our spiritual journey. God takes us through different places. We enduring different seasons. We have to go places we do not want to go, in order to get to the place we ultimately want to be spiritually. We must rid ourselves of things that are thorns in our sides and splinters in our eyes--we must rid ourselves of sins and things that keep us away from the Lord.

Numbers 34- Canaan is their special possession. The land is divided among the tribes. God used the tribe leaders to help with the task. He is using his resources of the tribe leaders to lessen Moses' load. 

Numbers 35- The Levites are given a seperate town with surrounding area for their flocks. They will have towns of refuge for those who accidently kill someone can flee to for safety. There are guidelines for determining if it is an accident or murder. Towards the end is interesting: Reminded that murder pollutes the land.. We are instructed not to pollute the land where we live, for this is where the Lord lives. We need to think about how we live and unintentional ways we may pollute the land. It does not have to be murder necessarily.. but, what if we pollute the land with discouragement, negativity, and harsh words that pierce one's soul? Are we glorifying God? God lives in our land. Each action we have should glorify God, not pollute the land.

Numbers 36- The tribe leaders had a question regarding women who inherit their father's land. The land may be passed from their tribe to another tribe if the women marry outside of their tribe. This would make their tribe lose out on that property forever. So, Moses gives the command that the women must marry within their tribe to be able to keep the property. The daughters of Zelophehad did as Moses commanded, and married within their tribe to keep the property within the tribe of Manasseh.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Number 23-30

Numbers 23

Balaam blesses Israel, instead of cursing them like Balak wanted. King Balak takes Balaam to another place to bless a lessen number of Israelites. God is speaking through Balaam to King Balak: "God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?" (verse 19). 
We can do only what God tells us. We cannot go up against God's will!

The third message is at another place: Balaam orders King Balak to offer sacrifices, while Balaam waits on the Lord. God's answer is constantly the same, as we may soon see. God does not change his mind. God does not lie. God is not human. God speaks and acts. God promises and carries through (verse 19).

Numbers 24

God was determined to bless Israel! Israel has all they need. God will bless those who bless her, and curse those who curse her. Balaam's final message is destruction will come upon King Balak's people. A star will arise from Jacob. This is pointing to Christ! Christ is going to come and destroy the survivors of Ir. Israel will dominant, because they are God's CHOSEN people!

Numbers 25

Men of the Israelites mixed in with the Midianites and joined in their worship of Baal and committed adultery with these women. As a result of their actions, God's anger burned and the people who joined in worshiping the Baal were killed--24,000 people. Aaron's grandson, Eleazar, stopped the plague and the anger that the Lord had against the people of Israel. God made a peace covenant with Eleazar. Eleazar purified the people and made them right with God again for his actions on taking out those who defiled the community.

Numbers 26

After the plague, the second registration of Israelites men over age of 20 were conducted.Over 600,00 of Israel men. Each tribe was given land based on their population size.The tribe of Levi numbered over 23,000--all of which were not listed on previous registration--because they had died in the Wilderness.

Numbers 27

Daughters of Zelophehad go before Moses with a petition. They were given land based on their father's inheritance. God created a new law for this: If a man dies, give his inheritance to the nearest family member. Also, God appoints a new leader! The new leader of Israel is to be Joshua, son of Nun. He is to use a urim when he needs direction from the Lord.

Number 28-30

There are different offering instructions given to the Israelites: Daily offerings, Sabbath offerings, month offerings, offerings for Passover, offerings for festival of harvest, offerings for festival of trumpets, offering for day of atonement, offering for festival of shelter.

In verse 28:22, " You must also offer a male goat as a sin offering to purify yourselves and make yourselves right with the LORD". Thankfully, we have NO need for any more sin offerings. Jesus Christ paid the price, and He is the ULTIMATE sin offering!!

Laws concerning vows are also given. It is about our motives. If we vow before God to do something, we need to do it. If our husbands or parents (if we still live at home) won't let us keep our promise to God--then God will forgive us for it. It is about our motives and keeping our promises before God if we are able to.

What stood out to me is the offerings we give are a pleasing aroma and his food. These offerings are given as a special gift to the LORD, a pleasing aroma to him.

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