Friday, February 17, 2012

Leviticus 22-23

Leviticus 22-23

In chapter 22, the priests need to be diligent in how they handle the sacred sacrifices. It is of the holiest things. They need to be respectable toward the Lord's sacrifices. God is the one who makes all holy, as he is holy. What is interesting about this passage is it speaks of sacrifices. Sacrifices are to given in such a way that pleases God, for it states: When you sacrifice a thank offering to the LORD, sacrifice it in such a way that it will be accepted on your behalf. (Lev 22:29) Even now, I know that I need to give an offering to the Lord in such a way so that it will be accepted on my behalf. It should not be out of guilt or responsiblity, but I need to give willing and diligently out of my love for God and recognizing his holiness. The sacrifices were not to be defected for their sacrifices were going as to pay for their sins. There is to be no blemish for their sacrifices, in order for it to be seen as acceptable. The ultimate sacrifce to pay for our sins is Christ. He is the unblemished lamb. He is the perfect sacrifice for our atonement. There is no need for another sacrifice for Jesus is enough. Jesus is the sacrifice we needed that would completely clear our names from the record of sins we have made.

In chapter 23, they are to treat with respect their festivals. They were a specific way to handle their special occasions of worshiping God. The main worship event for me to dwell on is the Sabbath. It is meant to be a day of rest. The people were to have a day of atonement yearly to receive cleanness before God. For the Jews, I bet this was a big deal. The animals didn't present a lasting freedom from their sinner status. They were continually doing sin offerings, because of their status of being unclean. Jesus came, so that we could have a eternally lasting sin offering. We no longer have to do sin offerings, because Jesus paid it all!


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