Genesis 43
Joseph evidently asked his brothers many questions, such as how is my brother and father? The men had not gone back with Benjamin as required. Not until they were in dire need of more food, then Judah persuaded Jacob to allow Benjamin to go with them to Egypt. When Joseph was with his brothers after their arrival, he commanded his servant to take his brothers to his house so they could have a meal together at noon. There is where Simeon was reunited to his brothers. The brothers were fearful, and told the servant about bringing money for paying last trip's grain. The servant had already received their payment for last trip's grain. The servant said that God must have given it to them. Joseph talked with his brothers, but had to leave out of inability to control himself. He still had not told his brothers who he was.
Genesis 44
Joseph sends them on their way, after their meal and loading them with bread and money. He had snuck his silver cup in Benjamin's bag. He obviously cared more for Benjamin than the rest of his brothers. His servant was to catch up to his brothers, and bring the one who stole the silver cup. The brothers came back along with Benjamin who held the silver cup in his possession unknowingly. Benjamin was to become Joseph's slave. Judah pleaded with Joseph to not make Benjamin his slave, but instead to take him. Judah had placed his own life on the line with his father in order to bring Benjamin to Egypt.
Genesis 45
Joseph tells his brothers who he is once he sends the Egyptians out of the room. Only he said it so loud that the Egyptians told the king about what had happened. Joseph tells his brothers the truth. God sent him ahead to save people's lives. Joseph and the king invited his brothers and father to move into the best piece of land in Egypt, so they would not starve---giving them plenty of food, wagons, and livestock to make the round trip journey.
Joseph did not blame them for selling him to Egyptians, instead he saw the bright side of it. He saw how God has worked and favored him in the midst of the circumstances. He recognized God's hand over the entire situation. How can I recognize God's hand in my own, sometimes crummy, situations? God is still sovereign working behind the scenes of everything!!
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