Thursday, February 16, 2012

Leviticus 11-15

Leviticus 11-13

In chapter 11, the Israelities are given directions on clean and unclean animals. It should sicken them to eat something that they know is dishonoring to God, likewise it should sicken us to do things that we know is displeasing to God. For us as believers in Christ, it is not about the food but how hearts. Are we receiving it with gratitude? The bigger lesson is: Does it sicken us to dishonor God? Are our actions changed, because we know doing something saddens God?
We are called to be holy, as God is holy! (Lev 11:44) We need to remember who God is. He is Sovereign!

In chapter 12, a woman must give a sin offering and burnt offering from her uncleanness once her purification from child birth has come. It is the only way to become clean again.

In chapter 13, it is on the processes that must take place for a person with a skin disease to become clean. The priests examined their skin to determine if they are to be seen as clean or unclean. They may be isolated from the rest of the congregation. The unclean individual is given a hard life to handle. The scripture states that: “Anyone with such a defiling disease must wear torn clothes, let their hair be unkempt,[e] cover the lower part of their face and cry out, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’ 46 As long as they have the disease they remain unclean. They must live alone; they must live outside the camp. (Lev 13:45-46)

Chapter 13 is particularly valuable to me for this purpose. In Mark, Jesus heals a man with leperosy. He instructs him to present himself to the priest for instructions on how to become clean.

Leviticus 14-15

In chapter 14, it describes the kind of sacrifices that the individuals w/ skin diseases must do to be clean. They must do a burnt offering, sin offering, and wave offering. This chapter describes what kind of sacrifices the man in Mark 1:40-45 would have to do to be welcomed back into society! The chapter also describes how to deal with mold. A big part of it is having animals to atone for the uncleanness that have been upon God's holy and special people.

In chapter 15, it deals with uncleanness associated with bodily discharged. These chapters have importance for the future. As I look ahead, I know they have significance... Not just for what it meant for the early Israelites as they worshiped God, but they have significance as I learn more about people who encountered Jesus.
The bleeding woman bled for twelve straight years with no hope of help from doctors in first century Palestine. She went to Jesus, and was healed by Him. But in Mark 5:25-34, as we look at her story. We can see in Leviticus 15:25-30 how she lived. She probably had to live alone and was divorced by her husband. She was on the outcast of society, because she was seen as ceremonially unclean with no hope of going to the tabernacle to learn about God, but she had faith and touched Jesus' cloak for healing that could be hers at last!


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