Numbers 14:
The Israelites complain, want to take new leaders, disobey God's will by going back to Egypt, and want to stone Aaron and Moses. It is out of God's great love that He forgave them! These Israelites will not see the land promised to Abraham, but Caleb and Joshua will go to the land promised! The Israelites will walk around for forty years. Their children will suffer because of their parents' sins. The generation of grumbling Israelites will die in the wilderness, then the rest of the Israelites will inherit the land and get to enjoy the land. The Israelites tried to overtake the Amalekites, and were defeated by them.
The Israelites went from grumbling to complain, disobeying God's will by seeking to return to Egypt to stoning their God-given leaders. Complaining is nothing I want to take part of, for I know the lack of fruit it contains. It takes away faith. It takes root and makes our hearts sick. The sickness of our hearts shows up in our actions, just as it did in their actions!
Numbers 15:
After they enter the land, they are to give God offerings. God has specific offerings that are to be brought to Him. They are to have the same rules for the Israelites and aliens. God does not have favoritism, for the rules are the same. Sin offerings are also given with specific regulations as to how to do it. God wants the first of our stuff! For me, God wants me to give my tithe out of the money I am receiving from my paycheck. God wants the first of my time! God wants my best, not what is left!
Psalm 90:
In this Psalm, it reminded me of the Israelite's journey. God's wrath was experienced for the Israelites. Moses prayer was that they would be taught to number their days that they would be taught wisdom. I want God to satisfy me alone in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening. I want to be satisfied by God alone. I do not want to give sin the power over me. I do not want sin to hide in my heart. I do not want to spend my days complaining. I want to praise God in my journey. I want to praise Him in my affliction. I do not want to sit and question what God is doing, for He is GOD!
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