Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Exodus 4-12

Exodus 4-12

I really wanted to read through the plagues tonight for two reasons.

1. I thought it'd just be really fun to get to the plagues that had to happen in order for the Israelites to be freed. I just saw God called Moses, and God told Moses that many miraculous things would have to happen in order for the Israelites to finally be freed.

2. I really wanted to hopefully catch up some on my readings. I have let myself get behind, and I do not want to get any further behind than I am. I really would like to accomplish this task and familiarize myself with the whole Bible. There are many books that I have not really read through, and I would like to.

In Exodus 4-11, a lot has happened. Moses is going through what I would go through. He is questioning "well, what if they don't believe me?.." God is so awesome, for He gives Moses signs to do to reassure everyone that God is working and He is deeply concerned and going to bring them into the land promised to them. God gives Moses signs to perform using his God-given staff. What I find interesting is Moses speaks of his lack of eloquence (Exodus 4:10) in his inability to do the job. God knows us completely as it states in Psalm 139. God knows us completely. Moses kept on asking "oh, please send someone else" to the point of God's anger is kindled---then God says that Aaron can be Moses' mouth.

In Moses and Aaron's first attempt to talk the Pharaoh into letting God's people go, the Pharaoh doubles the Israelites' work load due to their visit. The Israelites are upset and feeling very overly oppressed. Through the numerous attempts due to Pharaoh's hard heart, God uses Moses and Aaron to show the Israelites and Egyptians how big God is. God continues to promise deliverance for the Israelites. I appreciated chapter 6 of Exodus for it shows the ways God has been working.

In this chapter, Moses goes so far to tell God "why have you done evil to this people? Why did you ever send me?" God promises Moses deliverance for God's people. God reminds Moses of the ways that he has worked for his people.
God made a covenant with..

  • Abraham
  • Issac
  • Jacob
God is going to give them the land he promised them. God continues to speak to Moses, and says I have heard the groaning of my people. I remember the covenant I have with them. In all in all, God is showing Moses. "I know what I am doing.."

It took ten plagues for God to free his people. I believe there was purpose in each of those plagues. Through each plague, it strengthened the hearts and faiths of the Israelites. What is fascinating is how much Moses and Aaron personally must have grown during this time. Moses was very fearful in the earlier stages of this call to be God's voice in freeing the Egyptians. He had points of anger of frustration, I am sure. But, he must have grown immensely.

Once the tenth plague, the Israelites were free to go. I wonder if some Egyptians saw the power of God's hands and went with them. This is the start of the Passover, where God passed over and spared the Israelite people from losing their first born sons. Soon afterwards, they were free to go with all their belongings. They celebrated a feast. For those who were not Jewish, the only requirement to partake of it is to be circumcised. So the only rule at this point is to be circumcised and the order of which the Passover is be celebrated. 


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