In today's readings, the Israelites are being given instructions on the Passover. Also, they are to dedicate the first of their animals. Also, they are to give their first son...But, they are able to buy their sons back.
God warns Moses ahead of time that the Egyptians are going to try to follow the Israelites. The Egyptians were fearful of losing their slaves, and Pharaoh's heart was hardened by God to ultimately show the Egyptians who he is. God is not someone to be messed with, neither are his children! God has planned this in order to display his glory through Pharaoh and his whole army. (Exodus 14:4)
The Egyptians are seen chasing after the Israelites with 600 of his best chariots and men, and the Israelites notice that the Egyptians are chasing after them. Their fears begin to continue (Pretty sure they were already scared about what would happen. 500,000 men alone. Surely, they knew the Egyptians would not only notice, but chase after them.) The Israelites begin to wish that they had stayed in Egypt as slaves, for it was better than dying in the wilderness.
God sent the Israelites through the Red Sea. The sea had dried up, while there were walls of water. The Israelites were able to cross through the Red Sea. However once the Israelites had crossed through the Red Sea, the Egyptians were crossing and their chariots were not working like they thought they should. Moses used his staff, and the water returned to its place in the sea killing the entire Egyptian army. Not one survived. The Israelites even saw their bodies once they washed up to shore. That must have been a bit scary for the Israelites too. Once they have seen how God had prevailed against the Egyptian army, they praised Him. The scripture says: "They were filled with awe before him. They put their faith in the Lord and in his servant Moses." (Exodus 14:31)
They are involved in this awe-struck worship experience of just worshiping God for who he has using tambourines. After this, they were led to a camp with corrupted water and were again fear struck instead of awe struck. It is probably a month or so later, assumingly. They complained to Moses, their fearless leader, and Moses in turn cried out to God. God provided a piece of wood, which cleansed the water and made it able to drink.
Through it all, God shows up! God shows up in a remarkable way! God can take any season of our lives, and be glorified. He can take our daily struggles or the biggest crisis of our life, and triumph over it! God can do unimaginable things! What I need to be more obedient in doing is sharing my struggles with God. I need to cry out to Him, and trust that God will provide for me and all my needs! The Lord is a WARRIOR, Yahweh is his name! (Exodus 15:3) God is more than able to handle my struggles. I want to be more willing to confide in Him and share my struggles with Him. I want to be able to be awe-struck instead of just fear struck.
Some of the scriptures that stood out to me were:
- Exodus 14:13-14
- Reminds me of "Be still and know I am God" Psalm 46:10
- Exodus 14:25b
- The Lord is fighting for us against whatever trial we may face!
- Exodus 14:31
- They were not fear struck, but awestruck
- Exodus 15:1-3
- The Lord triumphed and won the victory!
- Exodus 15:6-7a
- God can smash our enemies!
- Exodus 15:11
- There is no-one like our God!
- Exodus 15:13
- God redeemed them! He leads them to their sacred home--the promise land. Just like, He leads us to our eternal home with Him!
- Exodus 15:16
- Notice the word Moses uses "the people God has PURCHASED"
- Exodus 15:18
- He reigns!
- Exodus 15:26
- God promised them if they would follow Him, there would not face any diseases. He would be the one to heal them!
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