Leviticus 26-27
In chapter 26, it is all about the blessings and curses that comes with our choice to either obey or disobey God and his commands. God has given the Israelites the law to help them to obey Him. For their obedience to following his commands, the land would overflow and they would be given all they need. However for their disobedience, they would experience terrors, diseases, enemies stealing their crops, and run when no-one is even chasing them. What hits it for me is verses 44-45 where God tells them that it is for their stake that he does not reject them. Even when they have been hostile towards God, and God shows them how they have treated him.. He will not turn his back on them. This shows God's love for us to the core. For OUR sake, God will not despise or reject us!!
In chapter 27, God instructs Moses to teach the Israelites how to dedicate and give God offerings. What stuck out to me is the last part of the chapter where God is giving the Israelites instructions on how to tithe. The only difference is that it is not called tithing. It is the offering of giving a tenth of their animal and produce. It is set apart as holy. It is just that----it is set apart! It belongs to the Lord! We are not to pick and choose, but we are to give God what is rightly His!
In the book of Leviticus, God has shown me through his Word, the book of Leviticus, how I can worship Him. I am reminded that it is about giving God an aroma that is pleasing to Him. It is about glorifying Him, and doing what God has set apart as holy. God gives us new opportunities daily and weekly to worship Him. The question is: What are we doing with these holy moments? What are we doing with our chances to worship the great I Am and Creator of the Universe!
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