Exodus 17- In this chapter, two things happen:
- The Israelites are grumbling again about not having water. Moses ends up going to God, and God tells Moses (to take a few elders) and go to the rock of Horeb. With his staff, he is able to strike the rock and the Israelites are given water to drink. They kept questioning God's presence among them, even after all that has happened. I am reminded of the need to be thankful and not question who God is or what he doing in my life. God is God. He is enough that I do not need to question him or what he is doing. God will take care of me!
- The Israelites fight the Amalekites. As long as Moses hands are raised toward Heaven, the Israelites are winning. However as soon as Moses lowers his hands, they begin to lose. Aaron and Hur kept Moses' hands lifted once he got tired and he (Moses) sat on a stone for relief. After they win, Moses makes an alter and calls it "the Lord is my banner!" Two things strike me: The significance of having friends who support us. I need people to support me, just as Moses needed those with him to keep his hands in the air worshiping God.
Exodus 18- Moses' father in law brings Moses' family (wife and two sons) to him. Moses talked with his father in law about all that has been going on for the Israelites, and Jethro gives Moses good advice about delegating tasks with elders of the community so Moses doesn't wear himself out. This is very good advice for anyone, but especially as a pastoral type person- Moses needed to delegate tasks other men, for it is too big of a burden for Moses alone to carry. I think the same is true of us too. We need to delegate tasks in our household and churches to prevent ourselves from getting overly burdened and burned out. The verses that stuck out most to me is Exodus 18:18-19;23
Exodus 19- God wanted to speak to the people. They were to not touch the base of the mountain or be near it or they would perish. God wanted the people to consecrated themselves for the third day God appeared through clouds, smoke, and appeared on fire. There were loud truimpets blaring! God wanted to speak to Moses at the top of the mountain. Moses is to remind them to not force themselves to see the Lord or he will break out against them. Aaron is to come up with Moses. What stands out is Exodus 19:5-6: If they follow God's covenant, they will be the chosen nation!
Exodus 20- The Lord spoke the Ten Commandments to all of the Israelites, which feared them even more. They sought for Moses to speak on God's behalf and to not hear God's voice. (Exodus 20:18-20) We need to hear God's voice. God's voice may at times scare us deeply, but it keeps us from sin. God's sovereign authority is what will keep us centered in His will and protect us from the sins of this world.
Exodus 21- God tells Moses the laws that he is to tell the Israelites regarding personal injury and hebrew slaves. These are regarding our actions have consequences. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, death for a kidnapper, scheming and killing one equals death for the murderer..
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