Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Job 24-28

Job 24

Job continues his reply to Eliphaz:

Where is the justice? When will evil people face the consequences of their actions? Will the murderers answer for killing the poor person? People are forced to sleep outside with no warmth to protect them. Why? What is going on? When will the judgment come? 

Job mentions a number of scenarios that depict the real world as we see it. The violence, the prejudice, the mistreatment, and the sins against others. Darkness is the friend of a evil person. It is their morning. Even though they do it in darkness to hide it. Their sins and actions are not hidden from God. Justice will come to those who do His timing. We may not see the justice happen, but God will act with justice against those who have sinned. There will be a great judgement. All will be judged for their actions. We cannot change how others act, but we can control how we act and where our hearts are.

When judgment would come for Job, he would be proven innocent that no sin brought on his testing. The judgment would show his heart and what he did and did not do. Even if his friends kept pointing out the ways that he may or may not have sinned, the truth is that God will point out those areas in Job's life if there is an outstanding sin that he did not ask for forgiveness for. His friends would also face judgment of their own for what they did do as well.

Job 25

Bilead gives a short answer to Job:

In Bilead's reply he questions how Job can say he is really innocent in God's eyes. In Bilead's words, he says the moon nor stars can be considered pure. I, quite honestly, think that the sun, moon, and stars would be considered pure, because they are not human. There would be nothing faulty about them! Bilead describes humans as much less pure. We are describes as maggots. I don't know about you, but being described as maggots is kinda creeping me out. Maggots. On our worst day---in our human state of being fallen, I would consider us scum..or puss...but maggots? Bilead does make a good point though. We cannot even say that we are good or pure before God. God is the most holy of holies. God is perfect! We are not.. Once we are His children, we are not maggots though. We are sinners, saved by His grace! Something, they did not begin to know about yet..

Job 26

Job answered Bilead:

Job has reached the point of sarcasm. He begins to talk about how helpful and supportive Bilead is. He says how foolish he is as a man, while Bilead is so "wise". Then Job says the underworld and ghosts must have given Bilead such wonderous information.

God is everywhere! Death cannot be hidden from God. God created the world out of nothing! God is our Creator! He can calm the storms! The clouds tremble when God clearly gives a command to them! God does so many wonderous things! There is NOTHING that God cannot do! While Job's friends are not supporting him, God is there! God is everywhere! We only get the slighest bit of what God says and does. We do not know the whole story, but we only get the slighest whisper of what God is doing and speaking into our lives. Job did not know or understand what God is doing. Neither do I or you. We do not know the story God is writing for our own lives, but God is working greatly! God never stops working. We do not have to know what God is doing, in order to believe that He is the reason something is happening!

Job 27

Job makes the powerful decision to not give in to his friends. He makes the decision to not give in to their countless lies! It is so easy to give in to people when they are constantly nagging you, but Job stood his ground. He is going to stay innocent and plead for his innocence before the Lord. He is much different than those who do evil. When those who do evil are at their last breath, God will not listen to them. They will have missed their opportunity to enjoy talking with the Lord! There will be without hope, but Job still has his hope even with his trials and testings!

What verse stood out to me is verse 7, where it says:  'May my enemies be punished like those who are evil.    May those who stood against me end up like all who have done wrong." It reminded me of Job's friends and the additional trouble that they have caused for Job. They have acted like enemies, instead of his friends.. as they keep constantly nagging him about how he must have a hidden sin in his life. It is unfair how they have treated him..

Still Job continues by saying "I will teach you about God's power!" Job will not hide anything. He is still faithfully living out his life for God in front of everyone, which is what I want to continue to do. I want to preserve even in my times of trials and not hold anything back. I want my life to show something more..

Job's friends have saw how Job lived out his life, yet they still continue to tell lies about him and continue to spread lies about him as they talk to those they know. They continue to speak fruitless words that are sharper than any two-edge sword that is stabbing the heart of Job as he continues to lose what little support he has left..

He follows up by saying "this is what God has planned for the evil" since his friends kept talking about what they thought God would do to those who were doing evil. Those who do evil will die and no-one willl miss them. Their quickly acquired money will go to the poor. Their many piles of clothes will go to the poor. Their riches will be temporary--here one day, gone the next. They will be suffering terrible fears! They may try to run away from storms, but it will chase after them. God will seek justice over those who do evil. There is no doubt about it. Even if we do not see it, God does have a plan to seek justice and deal with those who do evil.

Job 28

People can go very far and dig very deep to find treasures in rocks. But where can anyone find wisdom? You see, this is the real treasure! It cannot be found anywhere on this earth. Money cannot buy it. People cannot search the earth to physically find it! 

Wisdom is worth far more than the possession of crystal or gold. It is of such value! Where can we find understanding? Wisdom is very hidden in this world we live in. No one place on earth contains wisdom. Not in the grounds. Not in the mountains. If not there, then where? 

Death and destruction have never seen wisdom, and why would they? Only God knows the way to wisdom. Only God can give us understand! God gave the wind its power! God decided how big to make the ocean! He decides where to send the rain! Then, God said: He looked at wisdom and discussed it. 
   He examined it and saw how much it is worth. hen he said to humans, 
   ‘To fear and respect the Lord is wisdom. To turn away from evil is understanding.’” (verses 27-28)

If we want wisdom, seek God! Seek Him with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind! Seek Him in everything! This is how you can get understanding!


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