Genesis 1
I began my challenge by listening to Genesis 1 today. What is really speaking to me is Genesis 1:27. If we are made in God's image, why do we so often put ourselves down? If we call ourselves ugly, what are we saying about our Creator who not only made us, but made us in HIS image? Another thing that struck me in the 1st chapter of Genesis is how God created the earth and it was good..But once he made man, it was VERY good! To me, it just shows how much God is creative, but He is also a communal God. He wants to create something He can have a relationship with..And when He made us, it was not just good like everything else, but it was very good!
This is what captivated me while I was doing daily tasks. What if we started treating ourselves like we were beautiful---since we are as being created in His image! Not only are we beautiful, but we first and foremost are spiritual beings--if we were made in God's image and He is described as his spirit..when He was creating His masterpiece called Earth.
Genesis 2
There's a couple things that catch my eye..First, the work was done--God rested. Would God have rested if the work wasn't been done? I think He would have rested anyway. As we see in our world things are constantly happening and things could keep us from resting forever, but God rested..I am sure there was plenty more he could have done, but He chose to rest!
There was no rule---to not touch the tree in the middle of the garden. One rule..He was put to work, given a woman, and in communion of God..God said "it is not good for man to be alone, I will make for him a helper.." Is this how God Himself felt? Did God feel it isn't good to be alone? Is this why God created Adam not because he needed someone, but because he Wanted someone to commune and be with. God made us relational people. We need constant contact with each other. But sometimes, we want to do our walk alone, we want to not engage and be around fellow brothers and sisters who can enable and benefit us in our own walk with God..
Genesis 3
God made the serpent. God made the devil..
Woman had unfortunate encounter with the serpent...when God gave Adam the command.
They ate the fruit and knew good from evil. God protected them from the evil as long as they followed His command not to eat of the fruit. This is where we see free will. We choose. We choose to listen or disobey. When we choose to disobey, our protection from God is gone and the communion we once experienced with God is shattered!
Adam like so many others blamed God for putting someone else in his midst instead of fessing up and admitting our own sins to God. Once we ask for forgiveness, it is given instantly...Adam never asked for forgiveness...And as a result of the disobedience, sin enters the world. Pain, punishment, and curses enter the world. Human beings are the cursed of all that God has created. What separates us from the rest is our God-given intelligence and free-will!
Speaking of the Trinity, God said: “Look, the human beings have become like us, knowing both good and evil. What if they reach out, take fruit from the tree of life, and eat it?" They sought to become like gods and knowing good and evil...What else could they have done to the Kingdom of God? God protected them as long as they stayed in obedience to His perfect will just like He will protect us, but we have to stay in obedience. Obedience is key if we want to experience our loving Father's kindness and protection!
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