Friday, January 27, 2012

Genesis 30-31

Genesis 30 to 31

Leah has 7 kids, in hopes to win the heart of Jacob.
Rachel gives Jacob her maidservant to bear her children.
(remember, it's all about property back then..)
Rachel's maidservant has two children by Jacob.
Leah has her maidservant have Jacob's children.
So, there is two more children.
Rachel is finally able to give Jacob a son, Joseph..
Total of 12 children, and at least 4 wives.

A whole big amount of jealousy and competition is going on between the two sisters, Leah and Rachel as they battle who can give Jacob the most children.

Jacob goes to his father-in-law Laban, to ask that he may go to his father's land with his wives and children.
Laban tells him that he can have the striped and spotted animals in 3 days. Meanwhile, Laban goes and takes all the striped and spotted animals--putting them with his sons' flocks.

After being tricked by his F-I-L, he is given a dream by God to take some of the flock and go to his father's country. He took the stronger animals, leaving Laban with the weaker animals. Three days later, Laban finds out and goes to find Jacob and his daughter's. Just before fleeing, Rachel stole her father's gods to avoid any curses being thrown out at them. Just before Laban finds them, God appears to him in a dream to not say anything to Jacob good or bad. Laban finds them, checks belongings, couldn't find the gods possessions, and makes a pact with Jacob. In the place of Galeed, they are to not past the pillar--each staying on their own side.

Jacob's heart in this place does not seem to be much different than when he stole Esau's blessing. We can see how Jacob is obviously rubbing off on Rachel, Laban's corruptness also is apparent (he changed Jacob's wages 10x over 20 years. hiding the animals he promised Jacob, giving him Leah when he said he would give Rachel to Jacob.) One thing that does come out is: we need to be checking our heart. Bad things will happen to us. We have the choice to decide how we react. We can choose to be filled with jealousy (Notice Rachel and Leah goes at it with, who can produce the most children?), constantly running off when situations happen (Jacob ran off after stealing Esau's birthright, and again now once he took Laban's stronger animals), or we can choose to be diligent in how we handle our situations.

One thing worth noting is Rachel gets mad, and yells at Jacob for her not being able to bear children. He response is about how he cannot do anything.. But as we know, Rebekah was able to bear children from his husband (Isaac)'s prayers for her.


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