Job, just like many others, just wants to be heard. He just wants the support of someone listening to him. He says "just listen, then when I am finished-- you can make fun of me." I can tell he just wants to be heard out. Sometimes this is the greatest part of our support. And there are many times when the only One who listens to us is the Lord. It would be nice for Job and others, if we could just have people who listen to us. Listening is the best way to work toward supporting someone. It is merely listening to them and hearing them out.
Job is showing that he is really afraid. Even evil people get to have success and see their grandchild, but look at Job---we see the unfairness. So many others do not follow God, and seem to have life better than those who do follow the Lord. Job is asking that the evil people are punished for their actions, not their children for their parent's actions---but let those who do evil suffer punishment and experience turmoil!
Both those who are poor and those who are evil and experience nothing but success. Both of them die, and must lay in the dirt together.
Job says all of this as his reply to his friends' remarks about the evil he apparently has in his life. There is no truth in his friends' words. Not only is there no truth in it, there is no comfort in his friends. They may be "there" for him (Job), but in all reality--they are not being there and supporting him. They are just adding to his agony!
Job 22
Eliphaz responds.
Job's friend may be getting a bit ticked off, but they are getting specific on how Job sins "sooo much". Eliphaz begins to list possible sins that Job must have in his life. After listing possible reasons, Eliphaz says: "That is why traps are all around you, and sudden trouble makes you afraid. " (verse 10). Eliphaz seems awfully high of himself to be pointing out possible sins that Job may have, but does not realize the sins that he, himself, has committed against Job and God. Then Eliphaz says that Job is walking an old path that evil people walked long ago.
Eliphaz instructs Job to return to God, so that he may be restored in all things. Eliphaz brings up that God will bring Job good things once again. There is talk of silver and gold, which has me wondering if this is a bit of the prosperity gospel that has arisen in our day. Is our spiritual wealth compared based on our physical, monetary wealth? Is this where Job's friend(s) are going with their speeches?
Job 23
Job: I still complain today. I groan, because I still suffer.." wait for it.." If I knew the way to God's house, I would go there to plead my case to Him." I love Job's boldness. What if we approached God's throne with great confidence and boldness like Job does when he presents his case to God? What if I brought my struggles to God in a likewise manner?
In Job's speech, we see that if we go before God to speak to Him, He will listen to us! "Since I am an honest man, he would let me tell my story. Then my Judge would set me free!" (verse 7). Job may not understand his struggles, but he is beginning to really "get it". In verse 10-12, we see Job's heart despite all the hurts and pains he faces:
But God knows me.
He is testing me and will see that I am as pure as gold.
I have always lived the way God wants.
I have never stopped following him.
I always obey his commands.
I love the words from his mouth more than I love my food.
He is testing me and will see that I am as pure as gold.
I have always lived the way God wants.
I have never stopped following him.
I always obey his commands.
I love the words from his mouth more than I love my food.
Job has no reason to believe evil is the reason for his troubles. He has faithfully lived for the Lord---seeking to follow His commands, and this is a test that will prove it for Job.
Darkness (or trials) will not keep Job quiet. Even though he goes through trials, he will speak. He will speak loudly and boldly, as a child of God. God has this testing as a plan from God, but God has many other plans for Job. The same is true for all of us. We may be going through a really rough time, but God is refining us and testing us which will prove us to be honest and obedient to the Father our God. There are many other plans in store for us. God is doing something, even if we cannot see it!
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