The Lord's Table by Setting the Captives Free (Day 1)
Setting Captives Free website
1 Cor. 10:31 Isaiah 48:11 Judges 7:2 Psalm 115:1
2 Cor. 3:16-18 Hebrews 1:1-4 Psalm 138:5-8
Setting Captives Free website
1 Cor. 10:31 Isaiah 48:11 Judges 7:2 Psalm 115:1
2 Cor. 3:16-18 Hebrews 1:1-4 Psalm 138:5-8
The study focuses
on weight loss, but the lessons can be applied to anything. To fixate and seek to
control the weight myself is selfishness. To try to control things overselves is
foolishness.. We cannot control things. We have no power to control things. Only the Lord can. We need to rely on
His power. (See 2 Cor
It is only in humility and seeking Him that we will receive God's assistance. Why should God help us when we are seeking to do things in our own strength, and not relying on Him? When we seek to do things ourselves, we are cross purposes with God. Matthew 6:33 says: "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.." Then, God provides. First, we must seek first God and His Kingdom. How can we do that if we are pursuing our own wants? It is about seeking God's glory above all else… Seeking Him, not our wants. Seeking Him! He must be our motivation in everything. Let it all be for HIS glory!!
It is only in humility and seeking Him that we will receive God's assistance. Why should God help us when we are seeking to do things in our own strength, and not relying on Him? When we seek to do things ourselves, we are cross purposes with God. Matthew 6:33 says: "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.." Then, God provides. First, we must seek first God and His Kingdom. How can we do that if we are pursuing our own wants? It is about seeking God's glory above all else… Seeking Him, not our wants. Seeking Him! He must be our motivation in everything. Let it all be for HIS glory!!
Today's study quotes:
"The emphasis is not on losing weight or on body image, but rather on consuming Christ and developing biblical discipline in the area of eating."
important to understand a foundational truth: if we want to change any sinful
eating habit, our motives must be right. What is the right motive? The proper
biblical motive for losing weight must be the glory of God."
"There is great hope in having the glory of God as our motivation! If we have a purpose in our hearts to glorify God, we are working in concert with God and He will enable us to do what we seek to do. Please don't miss this.."
"If we focus
on the glory of God, we will inevitably change from the inside out."
"The glory of God is multi-faceted and difficult to reduce to words, but God has not left us in the dark. (Heb. 1:1-4)" God's glory is wrapped in His son Jesus. To fix my eyes on His glory is to fix my eyes on Christ. To live in such a way that I pursue honoring Him in everything that I say and do. Even seeking to glorify Him by not doing things and not saying things. Choosing carefully, because I seek to glorify Him!
"Every aspect of our lives, including our eating habits, must be based on the proper motives. As we’re confronted with biblical truth in the course of this study, we’ll be encouraged to focus our attention on Jesus Christ for, in doing so, we will inevitably become transformed. And this is our ultimate goal, isn't it?"
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