Friday, June 7, 2013

Exodus 2:23-25 (Moments of Moses)

As Christians, we need to have contented hearts… there needs to be that balance between contentedness among the restlessness according to the writer Heitzig. We are in this world, but not of it. I like the way she helped me to understand what that meant by this statement: "Longing for eternal treasures , while accepting earthly trials is healthy." Abraham dwelt in a land, but waited for the promise. (Hebrews 11:9-10)

When the king of Egypt died, it had probably been about 40 years since Moses fled from Egypt. Moses had wandered to foreign land, settling there, welcomed into the land of Midian, but still something was missing. He knew it was not his land, but God would work greatly in his life during this time of relying on God even when his surroundings was not what he envisioned for his life. The Hebrews still faced great bondage. It continued after the pharaoh's death. The Hebrews cried and groaned.

God took action…
God heard their groans.
God remembered his covenant that He begun with Abraham.
God looked on the Israelites.
God had concern for them!

Their cry out to God is what led to His action. God wants us to seek Him. He does not want to just "fix" us. He is all powerful, but He restrains from the yearning to "fix" us, waiting instead for us to come to Him for help. Imagine the divine restraint this requires for He has all power in Heaven  and on Earth... (June 8 of Jesus Calling)

We should be seeking Him, not waiting to see if by chance He chooses to act without us expressing our need. "We have not, because we ask not!" We need to be praying to God, crying out to God, and talking with Him about the burdens we face!! There should be a daily fellowship with our Lord! We need to share with Him what we feel we are in need of. This encourages me to be more in prayer. I need to deepen my relationship with my Father, by talking with Him more and being more in His Word. Talking with Him about the trials, but also the daily things~ enjoying a sweeter fellowship with Him. God CARES! He wants us to come before Him, and talk with Him about the things we face! Of course God knows what we face, but the thing is: God wants us to come to Him! Seeking His counsel and deliverance!

Israel would of known what God was promising to Abraham. They knew God had a plan of deliverance. It is like our struggles though. It is easy to come into a pit when we are heavily burdened. They knew of His promises. God has promises for our own lives too. They are all found in His Word: the Holy, precious Bible. How can we wait patiently for Him to fulfill His promises?

T: Talk with Him
I: Ignite our passion for Him and His promises, by surrounding ourselves with other Christians.
M: Meditate on His Word
E: Entering a closer fellowship with Him daily!

Look at Psalm 61:1-4! ( A Psalm on deliverance)
Main thing is: What is stopping us from having a closer fellowship with the Creator of the Universe and our Savior?!?

When we seem most neglected and forlorn, God is most present with us. -Matthew Henry


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