Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Exodus 2:16-19 (Moments of Moses)

Moses faced different kinds of experiences. Pink wrote:

"He was the child of a slave, and the son of a queen. He was born in a hut, and lived in a palace. He inherited poverty, and enjoyed unlimited wealth. He was the leader of armies, and the keeper of flocks. He was the mightiest of warriors, and the meekest of men. He was educated in the court, and dwelt in the desert. He had the wisdom of Egypt, and the faith of a child. He was fitted for the city, and wandered in the wilderness. He was tempted with the pleasures of sin, and endured the hardships of virtue. He was backward in speech, and talked with God. He had the rod of a shepherd, and the power of the Infinite. He was a fugitive from Pharaoh, and an ambassador from heaven. He was the giver of the Law, and the forerunner of grace."

Moses was flexible to what GOD wanted to do in his life. It was not easy, but He trusted God. Are we allowing God to work in our lives? Are we trusting Him and being obedient even when faced with life's uncertainties?

The people Moses encountered when he arrived in Midian were the daughters of Ruel. Ruel's daughters were shepherdess, who went to the well to water the flock. Opposing shepherds came, seeking to drive away these women.. Moses shows again how he loves justice. Even if he is a learned man and experienced the best of everything, he chose to live a different way: he sought to help the girls to escape the shepherds and not be harmed. Moses even got their water, and watered their flock. The daughters must of enjoyed the protection, knowing that someone had their backs. It must have been hard to be shepherdess and have shepherds trying to chase you away. It may have been a regular occurrence for them, or at least experiencing difficulties with shepherds in general. The daughters of Ruel had a job that they must of done. Even as they went back home after watering the flock with Moses, their father began asking questions. The work must be done…Because of Moses' help, the work was able to be done and the flock was tenderly taken care of, not harmed or stolen.
Moses and Jesus both met a woman at the well. Both sat by the well, because they were tired from their journey. Moses was traveling alone, while Jesus was with the disciples. The Samaritan gets into a conversation with Jesus, while Moses did not. While Moses was able to temporarily give help to the Midian daughters, Jesus gave the Samaritan living water that would well up to eternal life.

Jesus IS the good shepherd. Moses was God's shepherd for the people of Israel. There is similar to Jesus in some ways, but there is much differences between them. Jesus is fully God, and our Good Shepherd. There is no one like Him! I am called His child, because of Christ my Savior! Many blessings in Psalm 23 about Jesus as my shepherd!

One thing is noted in my study today: "Reuel paid attention to his daughters' routine. God also notices the details of your day. Write a prayer of commitment to meet the Lord each day. Choose a specific time and place. He will notice when you're early or late." My time with Him is so important! But to know He notices when I am late, that is deep. I know I need to keep on digging into His Word and continue meeting daily with Him!


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