Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Exodus 2:20-22 (Moments of Moses)

Moses went to Midian as a prince. He would return to Egypt as a humble herdsman. The place in Midian would be the place of transformation. He would receive his spiritual calling and gain a humble character…trading Egypt's riches for the richness of God! Learning to depend on the Lord and seeking to be obedient~ choosing God over everything else!

Read Exodus 2:20-22; 4:21-26


Reuel seems like a man of compassion for his daughters. Reuel sought to have his daughters show hospitality to Moses. Moses was given a place to stay and welcomed. He had found his new family and his wife.

Hospitality was essential during OT, and still is. It was a traveler's only hope for survival. They depended on the locals to provide for them… In 2 Kings 4:8-10, Elisha received great hospitality by a Shunammite woman and her husband. They went as far as making a small room on the roof and furnishing it, so that Elisha always had a place to stay when he came into town.

How could we act hospitable to someone this week? It may not be having someone stay or inviting them over for dinner, but there are ways we can show others the love of Christ by our actions toward another. Hebrews 13:2 says: "Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."


 Along the way to Egypt, God dealt with Moses as he does for all his children. "Blessed are those who receive discipline." When we make a wrong turn, He shows us the truth and helps us get back on the right track. Moses had failed to circumcise his son, Gershom. Zipporah was the one who ended up circumcising their son, but she did it in a way to show Moses that he was costing her dearly. She called him a "bridegroom of blood". She blamed Moses for needing to circumcise their son. She may have had something against him not doing it. She may have been mad about leaving, or much more... Instead he did not act, she acted when God spoke loudly about their disobedience..

Whatever Zipporah's issue....
Circumcision was a big deal for Moses! God said "you and your descendants must keep my covenant" to Abraham! Moses was in the family line of Abraham. Why did not Moses seek to keep the covenant. Keeping the covenant by circumcising is essential for the Israelites. It was a sign of following Him. When someone was not circumcised, they would be cut off. Better question: Zipporah was a descendant of Abraham, why was she against the practice? Her reaction as she circumcised her son says alot about her thoughts..

Who He is!
The thing for us to remember is: we should be seeking to following Him and obey Him out of love! We should be recognizing what a holy God He is! He cannot look upon sin... It is because of Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection~ taking on my sins that I am able to have a relationship with the Lord. Sin seperates us from Him. Sin is serious and rarely taken as serious as it should. For Moses, he did not "think" or just did not circumcise his son. It nearly cost him his lives. For us, each day we choose to follow our own desires and pleasures instead of following Him, we face a great cost! God is a loving God. He is also a God of justice! Sin brings death! God sent His only son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins, so that we could have eternal life!! He deserves our ALL, and this is what He desires! We need to be spiritual circumcised--seeking to choose Him, not pursuing our sinful desires.


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