Monday, June 3, 2013

Exodus 2:13-15 (Moments of Moses)

In Hebrew 11, it says Moses preferred the hardship for the sake of Christ rather than the pleasures of Egypt and sin. God revealed knowledge to Moses about the Messiah. Moses cut himself off from pharaoh's daughter and all things in Egypt. He chose to identify with the Hebrews, knowing it would mean mistreatment and pain…. All for the sake of Christ. God would bless him and carry him all the way~ never leaving him!

The day after Moses killed the Egyptian, he faces an encounter: two Hebrew men fighting, because one man wronged the other. Moses sought to encourage them to stop and do right, but his sin kept him from being able to help another. Moses' sin kept him from being a good witness in this situation, because Moses did the same thing yesterday. He was not much different than the man who is striking the other. Moses sought to help, asking why these companions (brothers of the Hebrew clan) were fighting--why was this one hurting another? News had already spread about what Moses did one day later. The wrongdoer knew what Moses did, and refused to listen to his rebuke. At this point, Moses felt deep fear. I wonder if there was a high amount of guilt felt at this point too, for what Moses had done to the Egyptian. Moses knew that pharaoh would be after him. He knew his life would be on the line, as a result of his actions. Moses ran as far as he could: from Egypt to Midian, where he sat down by the well. I wonder though: how far would it have been from Egypt to Midian?

Recap: Moses did wrong. He got caught. He ran for his life.
We try to escape our wrongs ourselves. Our lives are in danger. The sad part is we do not see it. We still run and try to pretend everything is fine. We run as far as we can… We run instead of confessing what we have done! Scripture teaches us that if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) We need to come to Him, seeking His forgiveness. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life!

About Moses' act of courage… Moses was right to try to break up the fight, but he had a greater sin..He was not righteous. (See how to not judge: Great article on rebuking and judgment)

Rebuking is of great value. We need to use it diligently, following this passage in Matt 7:1-6. Examining ourselves first! Taking out the plank in our own eye, so we can see clearly (spiritually) to know how to help our brethren. With Moses, he still had the heavy sentencing awaiting him: the wrath of pharaoh. We ourselves need to come to Him (All have sinned and the wage of sin is death), seeking His forgiveness, and praising Him for the work He desires to do in our lives! A serious heart-to-heart time with Jesus! ... Rebuking should be a very important aspect of the Christian life. So many ignore it, when we should help each other grow in our walk with Christ!! We ignore it when people show us a sinful area. Why? The sin of pride. We want to run away... This should NOT be so, folks!!! Rebuking is a gift! It is a gift when others show us sin we may have in our lives to help us see what we are doing that is seriously hindering our walk with God!

Moses ran from his sin…where do we run to escape our sin? Run from friends who tell us the truth? Run to movies? Shopping? Alcohol? Exercise? Eating? The result of sin is eternal death; separation from God and much more. How are we choosing to SEEK HIM today?!? Are we confessing our sins? Willing to have another to show us an area we are sinning against Him? God will use those around us to help us see things we are not seeing with our spiritual eyes!


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