Thursday, May 16, 2013

Genesis 49-50

Genesis 49-50 

Jacob calls for his sons. This is the point where the blessings or curses would be bestowed upon them, based on their lives. The men were to be gathered, so they would come to know what would be happening for the future. This would impact the tribes greatly. It would show the men what will their descendents be like… Jacob is going to tell them what they will encounter!

They are called to "come" and "listen"~ Then again the text reads: "listen to Israel your father". This begins to show the great importance that will come from this time with their father. 

Reuben: (49:3-4)      Typically a "first born" during this time would bring great significance and honor, not for Reuben. Even today, there is something special about the first born to a parent. They are their first child. There is great strength, dignity, and power in that. We are given much of ourselves there…. But, Reuben lost all rights to the joy of being the first born. Reuben defiled his father, by sleeping with one of his father's concubines (See Genesis 35:22-23). He lost his blessing. Reuben did not have self control. He is compared as water, because of his lack of self control. Reuben would no longer excel or have a good reputation. He would not enjoy success, because of what he had done. Much was lost when he chose to have sex with his father's servant wife. His sin left a permanent mark on the family. It possibly would leave a bigger mark than what happened to Dinah. 

Levi and Simeon: (49:5-7)     Jacob says they are brothers. He did not say it to state the obvious, but to show his displeasure in how they acted. They chose to think ahead and do great acts of violence to the men of Shechem in response to the treatment of Dinah (See Genesis 34). Jacob sought to distance himself from them, because of the great evil they had done in their anger (verse 6). Their willingness to give into their anger would cost not only them, but their descendents. They were cursed, because of their anger. They were divided, and their tribes would not dominant the other tribes. 

Judah: (49:8-12)     Judah would be a greater blessing than the rest. From him would come the line of David and the Christ! Judah would be victorious over his enemies (we see this particular w/ David). The other tribes would bow down to Judah; Judah would rule over the other tribes. From Judah comes royalty. Judah holds royalty status even, and it will not depart from Judah until the appointed time. "To him shall be the obedience of the peoples"~ this again points to leadership, but also kingship! 

Zebulun: (49:13) (Younger than Issachar)     God would provide. It was a place of major trading routes from the coast that ran through Zebulum. It provided an outlet to sea. It provided a way for the Zebulunites to be able to export and import. 

Issachar: (49:14-15)     Issachar would be strong. Strong, yet hard workers. They were seen as warriors, valiant men. (Judges 5:15; 1 Chronicles 7: 1-5) In Clarke's commentary of the Bible, it states: "laborious, hardy, valiant tribe, patient in labor and invincible in war; bearing both these burdens with great constancy whenever it was necessary. When Tola of this tribe judged Israel, the land had rest twenty-three years." 

Dan: (49:16-18)     Dan has good and bad qualities. They judge. While they judge, their snake-like behavior brings them to hunt and destroy others (Judges 18, Assault on Laish). Jacob knows they need a deliverer. 

Gad: (49:19)     Jacob is aware that Gad will be attacked by raiders, but also remarks about their strength. Gad's descendents would become skillful warriors, and able to "fight back" which would keep invaders away from overcoming them. 

Asher: (49:20)     Asher's descendents would prosper greatly..their food shall be rich; yielding royal delicacies. 

Naphtali: (49:21)     They will flourish, nourished by natural resources. 

Joseph: (49:22-26)     Jacob is reminded of Joseph's traumatic experience. He was tossed away and sold by his brothers and experienced great hurdles in Egypt, but he remained trusting in the Lord. God enabled Joseph to come through those things with great strength. Jacob proclaims blessing upon blessing for Joseph's descendents asking for more blessings than his fathers experienced. Joseph was set apart from his brothers! 

Benjamin: (49:27)     Aggressive Warriors (1 Chron. 8:40; 12:2)

Our lives… Our decisions… They do not just affect us. It is in this picture we see that they affect much more than just us. They affect our children and so much more! What are really passing down to future generation? We need to cultivate a life fixed on Christ! Waiting for Him! Trusting His Word!

  1. Jacob's last wish: to be buried with his people in Canaan.
  2. Joseph had Egyptian physicians embalm his father. (not a hebrew custom, but Jacob desired to be buried in Canaan.)
  3. Joseph's high statute is shown (50:3,7,9): Many of Pharaoh's household went with Joseph.
  4. Joseph's brothers feared that he would repay them for selling him into the hands of Egyptian slave owners, but Joseph held none of it against them. He forgave them, for God used it all for His own good!


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