Saturday, May 4, 2013

Genesis 32-33

Genesis 32-33

Jacob and Esau see each other for the first time in 20 years! Ohhh, the excitement I am feeling. I know what happens, but being able to experience this passage again is so exciting. God can do anything! He can restore relationships! He can change hearts! God can work ALL kinds of miracles! It shows me how prayer is precious, powerful thing!

Jacob prepares to meet Esau. He prepares to go back home. The angels of God meet Jacob! The angels would protect Jacob as he went to meet Esau. As Jacob continued his journey, he sent messengers ahead of himself to let Esau know that he was on his way. Esau decided to come and meet up with Jacob instead of idly waiting. No doubt, he probably was going to come to harm him. And accompanying him? 400 men. Jacob became very fearful, so he divided those with him. This way, others would escape in case Esau kills the first group of people. While fearful and has a plan, he prays for deliverance and safety.  In the morning, he set out to set aside a large "gift" for Esau. So, they would arrive ahead of Jacob with the gifts. His frame of mind with the gifts and at least 3 groups went ahead of him is this: (20)

Prayer should be the key thing we do. It should be the number one priority in our lives no matter what we may face. Seeking God first! Trusting God to act! Jacob hoped to bribe Esau with the large gift. Something happened that would forever changed Esau and Jacob...

Before meeting Esau, God wrestled with Jacob while he was left alone. Jacob had been manipulative (Laban, Esau 20 years ago, and still during that time). He had relied on his own strength. He gave into the sinful desires, and as a result he is physically wresting with God. Often times, we spiritually wrestle with God and His will. What we need to be doing is wrestling our fleshly nature. We need to be winning the struggle against sin! We need to be persistent in praying. Esau probably had every intent of going to meet Jacob to kill him, but that night something happened. Jacob relied not on his own strength, but learned to rely on God's strength. He had a personal encounter where he realized God is greater! He learned he was not enough and he needed God.

"In the end, Jacob does what we all must do. He confronts his failures, his weaknesses, his sins, all the things that are hurting him . . . and faces God. Jacob wrestled with God all night. It was an exhausting struggle that left him crippled. It was only after he came to grips with God and ceased his struggling, realizing that he could not go on without Him, that he received God’s blessing (Genesis 32:29)." -quote taken from Got Questions

I do not want to struggle with God. I want to wrestle and win the battle against my flesh (sinful nature). I want to be able to not give and do what I hate to do.. Reminded of Paul's words: 15 "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it." (Romans 7:15-20)

When was the last time we prayed all night for something?
When was the last time we fasted and poured out our hearts to God?
What is the condition of our prayer life?!?

Prayer changes everything!
Esau graciously accepts Jacob as he is.
He has plenty and is not greedy to keep the gifts Jacob gave.
He offers to leave men behind to journey with Jacob.
God had changed Esau's heart, totally!
Only God can do such a mighty work!

Jacob reconstructs an altar, which shows his commitment to worship the Lord!
That night with the Lord changed everything for Jacob, his family, and Esau. It was a life changing experience, and he was forever changed.


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