"These are
times that the law of God must supersede the law of men." (Taking a look at Ex. 1:15-22 and Acts 4 today!)
In Exodus 1:15-22, two Hebrew midwives would be interrogated and face questioning for refusing to obey the pharaoh's orders to kill all Hebrew baby boys (vs 15-16). They honored God--obeying Him instead of man, and the nation was tremendously blessed as a result! (vs 17, 20-21)
In Exodus 1:15-22, two Hebrew midwives would be interrogated and face questioning for refusing to obey the pharaoh's orders to kill all Hebrew baby boys (vs 15-16). They honored God--obeying Him instead of man, and the nation was tremendously blessed as a result! (vs 17, 20-21)
Man's law is
important, but God's law is much more important! Two things grabbed my
1. Reaching out to others (See Luke 6:32;35-36). I do not want to be like the pharaoh~ treating people different.. Things can stop us from reaching out to others, particularly fear. What if we placed our fear of God at the top of our list, devoting ourselves to being obedient to Him instead? He is greater than anything else! He deserves to be put first! Fearing others is not greater than fearing God. For the midwives, they refused to give into the king's command, because they feared God. They chose to honor God! They were blessed and HE took care of them.
1. Reaching out to others (See Luke 6:32;35-36). I do not want to be like the pharaoh~ treating people different.. Things can stop us from reaching out to others, particularly fear. What if we placed our fear of God at the top of our list, devoting ourselves to being obedient to Him instead? He is greater than anything else! He deserves to be put first! Fearing others is not greater than fearing God. For the midwives, they refused to give into the king's command, because they feared God. They chose to honor God! They were blessed and HE took care of them.
2. We must obey God rather than human beings! There
is NO substitution for obedience!
There is nothing more important than obeying God. We need to stand by our convictions, devoting ourselves to following Him wholly! The pharaoh wanted to eliminate all the Hebrews. Many wanting to shut up the Christians. (See Acts 4) There is no substitution for obedience! I began thinking about it and pharaoh may have offered the midwives money or to lessen the burden of their husband's work (big thing!). Anything to stop the Israelites from growing. These women knew well that there was no substitute for obedience.
There is nothing more important than obeying God and sharing the Gospel of Christ! In today's world,
we are forced with the same sort of decisions to make as the Hebrew midwives and the apostles (see Acts 4).
We need to take a stand! We need to
choose to obey God, not man! It was not just the midwives who have had to make a choice whether to be obedient to God or man. The apostles (See Acts 4) have had to make this choice. Countless followers of Christ have had to make this choice! We must choose whom we will serve... If we are His, let's act like it. Loving others compassionately and sharing the Gospel of Christ. Taking a stand for Christ, devoting ourselves to total obedience!
God will protect
us. He will guide us. He will give us the words to speak. It is about
glorifying God in everything we do! We follow the laws of the government to
honor Him. It is when those laws or government violate God's commandments and
teachings that we continue to follow Him in His ways! God will protect us. It is more important
to fear God and follow Him! He is God! We see through the
Hebrew Midwives and the apostles that their goal is to honor God. They fear
God, knowing He is greater!! Honoring Him is more important than
what others think or may do to us. He is always there, protecting for us just as He did for the apostles and the Hebrew midwives.
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