Genesis 43-44
Joseph had a chance to do things many long to do, but rarely get the chance. He got the privilege to change the way his family would look at him and treat him. Rarely do we get that chance… We are seen the same way most of our lives probably.
Joseph had a chance to do things many long to do, but rarely get the chance. He got the privilege to change the way his family would look at him and treat him. Rarely do we get that chance… We are seen the same way most of our lives probably.
Through the
passages of Joseph loving them, it points an important thing: he was harsh on
them too. He made sure to ensure that nobody would overstep their boundaries.
He was governor, and they would not be mooching off of him. He was able to show
them that he is not the helpless young man that he once was when they chose to
sell him into slavery.
The brothers had held onto their lies for so long. Joseph knew the truth. He could not forget what happened all those years ago.. It impacted the man he became, but he chose to let God use it for His glory.
The brothers had held onto their lies for so long. Joseph knew the truth. He could not forget what happened all those years ago.. It impacted the man he became, but he chose to let God use it for His glory.
Joseph chose to carry himself in a way where he would be respected greatly. If he let them know who he was when they first arrive (without Benjamin), would they have respected him?
No way. I have a feeling that they would get all they could from him. Families are not that different from Joseph's day. Families
tend to be like that. We fight. We lack respect for one another. We get angry. Sometimes even, people are taken advantage of. We neglect to see how valuable one another are! Even for Jesus, the Son of God, Jesus' family could not respect him or see the
bigger picture. That does not seem to change today.
Our job: to be who God created us to be! Seeking who He is calling us to be. How is He calling us to live? We need to be spending time being in God's holy Word.
Our job: to be who God created us to be! Seeking who He is calling us to be. How is He calling us to live? We need to be spending time being in God's holy Word.
Daily living with Christ, experiencing the Living Waters.
We need to make
God our first priority.
God changed Joseph over the course of these 20 years!
He was not afraid to deal harshly with his brothers or to test them to see
where their hearts were. It is through all these things that he was able to
gain their respect. Often times, we are expected to allow others to "take,
take, take" or just do nothing when we are viewed so lowly. We have to take a stand, just like Joseph did. We need to
have our boundaries and when people cross it, we respond to it in a way that Jesus would.
Boundaries seems to be one of those things that the Lord is bringing up with me. Boundaries protect us, but it also protects others. It can be difficult to set boundaries in relationships whether it is our children, siblings, friends, etc. Boundaries should be in place. We can honor God by setting boundaries. God has created us in His image. He has made clear boundaries for us. Why? Because it is ESSENTIAL! Because He loves us! The boundaries protect us also. Boundaries are so needed. When we do not have boundaries, problems arise....
Boundaries seems to be one of those things that the Lord is bringing up with me. Boundaries protect us, but it also protects others. It can be difficult to set boundaries in relationships whether it is our children, siblings, friends, etc. Boundaries should be in place. We can honor God by setting boundaries. God has created us in His image. He has made clear boundaries for us. Why? Because it is ESSENTIAL! Because He loves us! The boundaries protect us also. Boundaries are so needed. When we do not have boundaries, problems arise....
Two articles I am currently reading on about boundaries are:
Setting Boundaries Reflect God's Character and Christian Boundaries
Just thinking about me, I know I am lacking serious boundaries. Often times, I can do repeatedly and only hurt myself in the end. People can suck me dry when I am in "people pleasing" mode and do not say the two BIG lettered word: "No". So instead of being sucked dry or isolating, I need boundaries. This may be deciding to not agree to something, because I know I will overwhelm myself. It may be choosing to decline when someone wants my phone number... Boundaries can only be set with God's guidance, and I need to seek God's guidance! I need to firmly know what my boundaries are. I can do this by jotting down notes as a new boundary arises. Boundaries are often seen in the dating arena, but it is much bigger than that. It is needed in how we live our daily lives, seeking to glorify Him in everything. Without boundaries, we are making ourselves and our relationships severely ill. Boundaries are essential for taking care of ourselves and building healthy relationships!
Boundaries are very important. If "boundaries" was the first subject spoken to Adam by God, you know boundaries are important. Take time soaking in the articles, and I will do the same!
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