Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Genesis 39-40

Genesis 39-40

Joseph is taken to Egypt as a slave. I picture him as being in a line-up while possibly slave owners come to examine him and others choosing which one would be suitable to buy. Potiphar: one of Pharaoh's officials chose Joseph. Out of all of them, they chose Joseph. This would become a great blessing for Joseph! God would bless Joseph. He would bless the owner's house, because of Joseph. The owner makes Joseph his overseer for the house, so he did not worry about anything but eating. The owner's wife continued to try to make a play to get Joseph to sleep with her. When he continually refused, she claimed he attempted to rape her so he was sent to prison. He did no wrong.. God remained with Joseph, no matter where he went. And, Joseph continued to honor the Lord.

Even when Joseph was in prison, God still used him greatly. Joseph is put in charge of those in the prison. Imagine it: a foreigner is put in charge of the Pharaoh's prison. God is doing something here! He is using Joseph in each stage of his journey. It definitely was not pleasant situations he was put in, but he continued to follow God wholly and God blessed him! Each place was a step in where God was calling Joseph next.

Joseph interpreted the dreams of two of Pharaoh's officials, because God gave him the words to speak and interpret. God placed Joseph there for a reason. While Joseph is interpreting the dreams of these men, he is telling them "Don't forget me. Mention me to the king and show me kindness. I did nothing wrong to be here!"

While trials are never ideal for anyone, they are steps and part of where God is calling us next. For Joseph, he had to be betrayed by his brothers to be sold as a slave. He had to be bought by Potiphar to be accused of doing wrong, because he refused to have sex with a woman who was NOT his wife!! They sent him to prison, but that allowed God to speak through him about these two dreams. This is a key point in the next part of Joseph's life!

For me, it involved illness to bring me where He has called me for now. The steps are part of where God is calling us next. Steps are sometimes incredibly difficult to climb... Focus on the fact God desires to use you exactly where you are. Seek Him and to be obedient to Him! He can be glorified through it all. Focus on Him, not the trial!
We have not arrived at our destination. We cannot skip point A to get to point D. The trials come with the good. God uses the blessings in our lives, just as much as he uses the trials. For Joseph, he is enormously blessed by his trials. He stayed steadfast, focusing on God and His Will. He could of given into the woman's desire for sex, but he refused. He chose to honor God instead. We can impact others during our trials, just as he did. He impacted lives. He did not give into the world's ways, but he stayed faithful to God and living right! We do not have to give into temptation. We make a choice. It's hard to get to where God wants us if we are giving into the temptations and seeking to fill our own sinful desires or whatever is "comfortable".

Make a determination to "cast off every weight that hinders". So much hinders our walk with Christ. What are we going to do about? We should use the trials and things life brings to us to be closer to Jesus!!


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