Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Genesis 22-23

    Genesis 22-23

    God tests Abraham. We see here in Genesis 22 that Abraham's obedience is tested. God tests the commitment of people, but he does not tempt. It is important to recognize that distinction.

    Here Abraham's testing involved taking his son to the mountain for a burnt offering, and it is huge! When Abraham's son is mentioned: it is only son. This is all Abraham had left to treasure other than his wife and possessions. He had longed for a son, and finally was given his son. Ishmael was sent away from Abraham, so in a sense Isaac was Abraham's only son.

    What I am reminded of is his obedience, but also his faith. If Abraham had given up too soon, he  would not of gotten to know God as the One who would provide. I cannot imagine beginning to take this journey with two others and my son whom I would slaughter.. I believe Abraham thoroughly knew God would provide, but it is still scary as we wait for those provisions. If Abraham had given up too soon, he would of missed God's blessings. He would not of known God as his provider. Coming to know God as we experience Him is something beautiful and a treasure. So often we want to think about our pain and suffering, but there is this other side. We have the awesome chance to know God more as we experience Him at a greater depth. Out of pain and suffering is birthed experiences where I get to know God is my provider. Opportunities where I know God is my healer. Only because I get to know God more through the trials I face! Our faith is strengthened greatly! This is where raw faith is found: we are pushed to a place where we can grow tremendously as we choose to focus on Him. Let me explain what that meant for me: there are a lot of times when I do not want to do my Bible study. At times, it just does not flow naturally. But in pushing myself to not watch tv, I instead focus on being in His Word and becoming closer in my relationship with Him. Is it uncomfortable? Yes. Does He use it to bless me in my walk with Him? Yes, tremendously. When we wholly follow God, blessings will flow out. He will continue show us who He is. We will experience God like we never have before!

    Abraham knew God would provide: "8 Abraham said, “God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son.” So they went both of them together (Gen. 22:8)." As we go through our lives, we need to TRUST that God will provide!

    Notice the blessing God provided for Abraham as he continued to be obedient in preparing the altar, wood, just as he would for a burnt offering: "behold, behind him [Abraham] was a ram, caught in a thicket by his horns. And Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering instead of his son(Gen. 22:13)."

    Just knowing God will provide is huge and life-changing! We need to keep the faith, trusting, and knowing God will provide. Even when we don't see it, our faith is growing. No matter what we may see happening in our lives, God can use it for help us know Him more! He is our help…when we turn to Him and trust Him! Imagine if Abraham tried to do things his own way… he would of definitely missed tremendous blessings.

    God blesses Abraham saying, "I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. And your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies, 18 and in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice.”

    In Genesis 23:
  1. Sarah died when she was 127 years old.
  2. Abraham went and bought a place to lay to rest her body.

    More on testing: "Why does God test us?"


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