Saturday, August 17, 2013

Exodus 19:7-15

Two things are really standing out today. Yesterday, I read Exodus 19. I chose to mainly focus on the first portion of it. Preparation and Boundaries are what really stick out for today. Both of these things need to be essentials in our lives. The things that preceded the Lord appearing to the people of Israel were: their consecration/spending time to prepare themselves and also they are told about the boundaries.

Read Exodus 19:7-15 here

The people's willingness to serve God is evident. In verses 7-8, Moses called the elders to tell them all that God had commanded him, and all the people said that they would follow and be obedient. They would  do whatever God asked them to do. They have seen God act in a bigger way than many ever had. They were going to be obedient to Him. Seeing doesn't always equal obedience. Scripture states: "Blessed are those who have not seen me (Christ) and still believe!" (Jn 20:29) Do we have a willingness to be obedient to God? In everything?

At this point, Moses returns to the mountain to bring before God the people's answers. God knew what was in Israel's hearts. He knew where they would stand in their obedience to Him. This was the time for Moses to be given instructions from God. God would be very specific in how He would come to them! (in a thick cloud) God would reveal the purpose behind it. (the people would always trust Moses, and his leadership. They would know that God is the One who guides him!)

Consecrate the people of Israel. In the consecration of God's chosen people, they would have to wash their clothes. The consecration would not be solely external though. It would be a time of sanctification, and inner purity and holiness. This would be a place of them realizing God's holiness in ways they would of never known before. It is realizing we ourselves have nothing to offer to a holy God except our broken hearts, but knowing how great, mighty, and majestic God really is. This was the point of seeking to sanctify. The people could not teach themselves how to come before God. God, using Moses, would teach them how to come before Him! How often do we take time to prepare ourselves before spending time with the Lord, particularly before going to church on Sundays? To prepare our hearts? Maybe even, preparing our hearts for our personal time of worship with Him. To bring things to Him!

Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible adds this in light of verse 10: "Go unto the people; go down from the mountain, from the top of it, where he now was, to the camp of Israel...and sanctify them today and tomorrow... he was, to instruct them how they were to sanctify themselves in an external way, by washing themselves, as after mentioned, their bodies and clothes, and by abstaining from all sensual pleasures, lawful or unlawful: and let them wash their clothes; which the Jews understood not of their garments, but of their bodies also; teaching them by these outward things the necessity of internal purity and holiness, to appear before God."

Verse 11 is very specific. God would come down and all the people would be watching Him. No one would escape God's awesome presence! Giving God our best...taking time to prepare and consecrate ourselves, so we may honor God. Bringing all to Him. Seeking to come to Him with clean hearts. It is not solely about external cleansing, but the inner cleansing. The heart is dirty and filthy as it says in Jeremiah. We need God. We need Him to cleanse us!

Boundaries: They are a necessity whether we realize it or not. God has given us boundaries to protect us. Boundaries help us know God more deeply. He has given us boundaries for a reason. We cannot ignore the boundaries He has placed into our lives. We may wish to move the boundary marker, but we cannot. We need to keep it in place, and honor Him in the process by being obedient. For me, one of those boundaries is knowing my limits physically. I wanted to move everything around if it meant being able to go on a trip this weekend, but it was outside my boundaries given to me by God. God has given me boundaries to protect me. I need to be obedient, and allow God to protect me by staying within the boundaries. When we go outside the boundaries, we will face consequences. Think about the law of the land: what happens when we speed and are caught? We face consequences. Boundaries are essential! Boundaries are put in place to protect us! We need to be obedient to God, and allow Him to protect us by staying within the boundaries! What boundaries do we have that we often have the most trouble with? Are we committing ourselves to staying obedient?


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