Monday, April 15, 2013

Genesis 1-2.3

Genesis 1-2.3

The Creation

God is sovereign! He reigns: he is in total control! God is creating everything, and making beauty in everything he touches. The earth was formless, void, and darkness covered it. This is where we see God really begin to work. Separation also becomes a theme in this chapter. This chapter can really connect to things we find in the New Testament. Here we see: he separates the light from darkness and also the water from the sky. God separates. Separate is necessary for his creation.

One thing I have not noticed before is the blessings given to the birds and animals in the sea, where the text says: God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” (Genesis 1:22) It is only given to the birds in the air and the living creatures that live and move in the sea. It is not given to the livestock, beasts of the earth, or creeping things that God has created the following day. The blessing is only immediately after creating the birds of the air and the sea creatures. There is a significance about the birds and creatures of the sea (ie, fish).

While the birds of the air, and sea creatures were blessed by God, look who is going to be in charge of them: man and woman. We, as God's representatives, are put in charge of taking care of God's creation: birds, creatures, and the earth itself. God has give us exactly what we need: making sure we would have food to eat. He takes care of us in everything..

 How can we take better care of the birds of the air, creatures, and the earth itself? How can we use wisely the earth's resources (gas, water, recyclables, etc)? In my study Bible, there is a note for Genesis 1:27 that says: "God's expectation (is) that human beings will use the earth wisely and govern it with the same sense of responsibility and care that God has toward the whole of his creation."

Humans have not made great use of the earth's resources. The resources have been thrown away and wasted. In the passage of Genesis 1:28-29, God is showing us he has given us food. Here it says:  

"28 And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” 29 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food."

Today's food is much different from the food God originally gave us through his creation. Later in the New Testament, Peter received confirmation from God that it was okay for him (and others who followed) to eat meat. That was a very new thing for them. In 1 Timothy 4:4, others were told to abstain from certain types of food and were given the reminder that they could eat anything as long as we receive it with thanksgiving to God! It is about glorifying God, and giving thanks. God will lead us to what to eat.

More of a note than anything: Food today is much different. It has now become chemically altered, and individuals have to go out of their way to make food that hasn't been altered in some way. (which is why I haven't acted on wanting to eat differently) For me, it is about being wiser in how I choose to eat. My goal is more veggies, less words I can't pronounce (still not healthy, but I need easy access, low prepping food).

It's bigger than food!
We need to be aware that many have used God's earthly resources for evil. God has instructed us to care for his creation, but many have manipulated the God given resources we have. Many try to exploit the earth: not replacing what they have taken! Think of the many animals going extinct. Why? Because humans have become greedy and not diligently caring for God's creation.. Recently, the Vietnam's Javan Rhino population is down to 35 left: they are extinct. That article is 3 months old. You can only wonder how many are left now. We need to pray for God to soften hearts, and lead others to help care for these endangered animals.

God's beautiful animals are endangered, because many exploit God's creation, living with a "I am going to take all I can get my hand's on" sort of mentality. I am not talking about going all green. (If you can, great!) What I am talking about is how we are using God's creation. What gradual changes can you make? How can we make a difference?

Also worth noting is this: God shows us the significant importance of rest. Our bodies need rest. How can we take care of everything we have going on without rest?


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