Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Genesis 2:4-4:26

Genesis 2:4-4:26

When God placed Adam in the garden, there was food throughout the garden. In the center of the garden, there was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil… Adam was to tend to the garden. He couldn't find a suitable helper for him. This is when God put Adam into a deep sleep, and took one of his ribs out to form Eve. A man and wife are joined together: Adam exclaimed "This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man." when he saw Eve..

The unity of the husband and wife: so unique. There is a togetherness that cannot be taken away. God made some things to be separated. That is one of the things I noticed yesterday, but today there is no separation. The separation is replaced by togetherness, as the husband and wife come together. It is about putting past lives aside, and coming together as one. New Testament also reminds us that "man cannot separate what God has joined together" (Mt 19:4-6).
Through deception and sin, the relationship between a man and his wife will forever be altered. The result of sin would bring sorrow, pain, strife, and much more. For the wife, Eve, her desire would be to control her husband, but her husband would rule over her. Matthew Henry's commentary helps shed some light on the result of sin in the marriage aspect: "If man had not sinned, he would always have ruled with wisdom and love; if the woman had not sinned, she would always have obeyed with humility and meekness."

The man is sent from the garden with his wife to toil. It wasn't a place of torment where he was sent. He is experiencing the repercussion of breaking the covenant with God. A cherium is there to protect the tree of life. Adam did not go willingly out from the garden. The scripture (Gen. 3:22-24) says that God "drove" him out. These are only the beginning of the consequences of sin. Sin is what separates us from God. There is so much more that happens as a result of "the fall", because of one woman's decision to sin. 

Man's relationship with God is forever changed! 
Man's relationship with his wife and the togetherness they shared: also forever altered.
Everything CHANGED!!

Sin makes us an enemy of God!
That's not a light statement or over-exaggeration!

Cain was driven from the presence of the Lord when he killed his brother Abel out of jealousy. Sin has long lasting effects on more than we could ever imagine. One's decision to sin leaves the rest of humanity stuck in the same "sin" battle. The only cure is Jesus Christ!! God still loves us and desires for us to have an intimate relationship with him. He sent his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins, so that we may have a personal relationship with him through his son Jesus. There is no greater love than that of our Father's love!


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