Thursday, April 25, 2013

Genesis 18:1-15

Genesis 18:1-15

Abraham was a man of success. In verses 1-5, we see Abraham: he spots the visitors, runs to meet them, bows out of great respect for them. Then, he makes a request before God to serve these visitors. Abraham knew these visitors were not ordinary men. He knew there was something divine about these men, and his encounter with them. His hospitality is seen; he runs to make preparations to serve the men. Abraham involved others in the work of preparing their meal, and it was done quickly. Abraham made sure to act quickly (See 18:6-8).  The men asked about Sarah. We are reminded of the promise God made about Sarah: the promise of a newborn son who will be called Isaac.

Overhearing Abraham's conversation with the men, Sarah laughs out of disbelief that God would give her a child in her old age. In bad situations, things seem unlikely. Hope may be dim, but it is never gone. Nothing is too hard for God!

Job reminds us of this truth when he spoke these words: "I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted (Job 42:2)." Jeremiah 32:17-27 continues to share the truth that nothing is too hard for God. Nothing I face. Nothing you face. None of it is too hard for God. God delights when we come to Him, and He longs to help us. Let us come with great confidence to His throne! Our situations are not greater than our God!

We are God's creation. His chosen masterpiece. He chooses to call us His children. He chose to adopted us. He paid a great price to call us His own. Sin costs greatly. We aren't let off the hook. We needed a SAVIOUR!!! Jesus came to save us from our sins! God chose to REDEEM us! Because of His great love!

We try to do things without God. This is one of the greatest mistakes we could ever make. We must give Him control~ Trusting Him! He delights in being with us, and being our help! Read these words on the greatness of God, there is nothing too hard for Him! If only we were reminded daily of how significant He is! Nothing compares with God!! Nations are less than nothing in comparison with God. Nations are filled of millions/billions of people, yet nations are less than nothing in God's sight. Even though we have nothing to offer, God still loves us and chooses to have a relationship with us through His son Jesus!

Isaiah 40:10-15;21-31
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
10 Look! The powerful Lord God is coming to rule with his mighty arm. He brings with Him what he has taken in war, and he rewards his people. 11 The Lord cares for his nation, just as shepherds care for their flocks. He carries the lambs in his arms, while gently leading the mother sheep. 12 Did any of you measure the ocean by yourself
or stretch out the sky with your own hands? Did you put the soil of the earth in a bucket
or weigh the hills and mountains on balance scales? 13 Has anyone told the Lord what he must do or given him advice? 14 Did the Lord ask anyone to teach him wisdom and justice? Who gave him knowledge and understanding? 15 To the Lord, all nations are merely a drop in a bucket or dust on balance scales; all of the islands are but a handful of sand.

21 Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard? Isn’t it clear that God created the world? 22 God is the one who rules the whole earth, and we that live here are merely insects. He spread out the heavens like a curtain or an open tent. 23 God brings down rulers and turns them into nothing. 24 They are like flowers freshly sprung up and starting to grow. But when God blows on them, they wilt and are carried off like straw in a storm. 25 The holy God asks, “Who compares with me? Is anyone my equal?” 26 Look at the evening sky! Who created the stars? Who gave them each a name? Who leads them like an army? The Lord is so powerful that none of the stars are ever missing.

27 You people of Israel, say, “God pays no attention to us! He doesn’t care if we
    are treated unjustly.” But how can you say that? 28 Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard? The Lord is the eternal God, Creator of the earth. He never gets weary or tired; his wisdom cannot be measured. 29 The Lord gives strength to those who are weary. 30 Even young people get tired, then stumble and fall. 31 But those who trust the Lord will find new strength. They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired.


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