Friday, August 2, 2013

Exodus 10:21-14:31

It seems crazy (for me) to try to study such a long passage of scripture, but it makes sense. I wanted to look at plagues 9 and 10  as it relates to the Cross. It is through such darkness and Jesus' death and resurrection that leads to my own deliverance and the deliverance of those who choose to trust in Christ! Darkness, death of first born son, and the deliverance of the Egyptians are the key points that I think upon as I prepare to study these few chapters.

Plague of Darkness (Exodus 10:21-29)

This plague has similarities to what happened during the time Jesus was dying on the cross. First is the fact that there is entire darkness. People are stuck. No-one can see anyone else or go anywhere, because it is total darkness. When we are disobeying God and are His enemies, we cannot go anywhere. We cannot earn salvation. We cannot save ourselves, only God can save us! The darkness that many of us face is not physical, but spiritually. We often walk in spiritual darkness, because we are not seeking Christ.

Second, the plague of darkness is a three day event. (The period between Jesus' death and resurrection is also three days!)

Third, it relates to Jesus Christ, the cross, and the process of making salvation available to all people.

44 "It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, 45 for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. 46 Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last." (Luke 23:44-46)

The darkness was part of God's wrath. For the Egyptians, they disobeyed God and refused to listen and turn from their wicked ways. This is what it really boiled down to. The Egyptians severely mistreated the Israelites and served false gods, and God was working on HIS plan to free the Israelites and draw many to Himself. As hard as it is, the only reason Jesus went to the cross is because of me. It is because of our sins that Jesus was sent to the cross. Jesus committed no sin, but He willingly chose to carry mine (and yours). Why? God has loved us with an everlasting love. God loves us so much that He sent His only son to die on the cross, so that we may have the chance to no longer be God's enemies--but become His friends...His children! New life only becomes from Jesus' resurrection! Forever forgiven, because of the work God chose to do on our behalf! Immediately after learning about the darkness on that black Friday, the curtain is torn into two. We are no longer seperated from God. We are no longer subjected to animal sacrifices day after day, because we can't keep the law. We are no longer seperated from God, because of Jesus Christ! We can have a right relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ!

Plague of First Born Sons (Exodus 11:1-12:32)

God gave the Israelites favor in the eyes of the Egyptians. I think that the Egyptians learned who God is through all of this. (We know Rahab came to know the Lord through the work done in Egypt!) Moses went faithfully to tell Pharaoh the revelation God has given him about what would soon happen. Only the Pharaoh would not listen, instead he continued to threaten Moses...

The passover would be an important part in carrying out the plague. By placing blood of a lamb on their (Israelites) door posts, it would  serve as a reminder that they are His and the plague will not befall upon them. "The destroyer would not be allowed to come into your house to smite you." The Israelites were to eat of the lamb, the unblemished lamb, and soon they would be experiencing sweet freedom and deliverance. Two things "step out" of the passage. Unblemished lamb and eating of it. Jesus Christ is the spotless lamb who would be our "lamb"--our sin offering, and the One who saves us eternally from the punishment of our sins and the chains of sin. We can be free! To experience such freedom, we need to "feed" on the lamb: seeking Christ, being in the Word, and 'digesting' His Word by meditating on it! It is worship!

It's important to take the time to remember the freedom we have been given in Christ! Passover was a special feast and still is for the Jews. Do we take the time to remember and celebrate our freedom? No one Egyptian was spared from the plague. Statute did not matter. We all answer to God! We all need to know and follow Him!

Israel Delivered ( Exodus 12:33-14:33)

This has been a long time coming between Joseph's death to the passover! It's a whole lotta years! (400 years, easy) That included a large load of suffering; burdens that were too heavy for them to carry alone. But, God had a plan! God gave the people instructions for the Passover and Consecration. (entering His covenant first, enjoying His blessings, and Dedicating their first born to Him...He deserves all of us!) Following this instruction from God to Moses and the Israelites (it's about remembering what God has done for us and willingly sacrificing to Him!), God leads His people~ He made His presence known that He was going before them to lead them... The battle wasn't as picturistic as the Israelites would of liked, but there was a purpose for it. Pharaoh and his army would chase after the Israelites. It terrified the people, and they began praying. Even when we are terrified and scared to act, we need to continue to go forth in faith and the confidence that God will act on our behalf!....God used the Pharaoh and his army, so many others will come to know Him. What if failing and misguided leaders make us turn to God more? What if it makes us be obedient to Him and seek His face? What if it helps us share our faith and as a result many come to Christ? God has delivered us from so much. May we seek to glorify and honor our great God in everything that we say and do! This huge chunk of passage (Ex 10-14) reminds me of Romans 12:1-2 to sum it up:

" Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."


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