Sunday, March 18, 2012

Numbers 31-36

Numbers 31-The Israelites are sent out to fight and destroy the  Midianites for they are the reason that the plague came to Israel. Moses and the Israelites killed all the men, then were sent to go back to kill the women when they did not do it the first time. The property were distributed among the Lord and the fighting men. The men gave a portion of their property given to the Lord. This is the last act of Moses commanding before he dies.

Numbers 32- The tribe of Reuben and Gad went to Moses seeking more land for their families and livestock. Moses reminded them of their forefathers who had a request and made their other brothers stumble. The leaders of Reuben and Gad made an agreement with Moses to continue fighting until all is conquered then they will be given their land. If they do not keep their word, they will have to settle with the rest of the tribes in Canaan. They build fortified cities. A man named Nobah captured the land of Kenath, naming it after himself.

Numbers 33- Remembering Israel's journey. Their physical journey is alot like our spiritual journey. God takes us through different places. We enduring different seasons. We have to go places we do not want to go, in order to get to the place we ultimately want to be spiritually. We must rid ourselves of things that are thorns in our sides and splinters in our eyes--we must rid ourselves of sins and things that keep us away from the Lord.

Numbers 34- Canaan is their special possession. The land is divided among the tribes. God used the tribe leaders to help with the task. He is using his resources of the tribe leaders to lessen Moses' load. 

Numbers 35- The Levites are given a seperate town with surrounding area for their flocks. They will have towns of refuge for those who accidently kill someone can flee to for safety. There are guidelines for determining if it is an accident or murder. Towards the end is interesting: Reminded that murder pollutes the land.. We are instructed not to pollute the land where we live, for this is where the Lord lives. We need to think about how we live and unintentional ways we may pollute the land. It does not have to be murder necessarily.. but, what if we pollute the land with discouragement, negativity, and harsh words that pierce one's soul? Are we glorifying God? God lives in our land. Each action we have should glorify God, not pollute the land.

Numbers 36- The tribe leaders had a question regarding women who inherit their father's land. The land may be passed from their tribe to another tribe if the women marry outside of their tribe. This would make their tribe lose out on that property forever. So, Moses gives the command that the women must marry within their tribe to be able to keep the property. The daughters of Zelophehad did as Moses commanded, and married within their tribe to keep the property within the tribe of Manasseh.


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